Our laboratory is equipped with ZEUTSCHEL OS 12000 A1 model, a digital color planetary scanner, whose main features are:

  • acquisition from above with a tilting system;
  • scanning area: ​​846 × 600 mm;
  • resolution up to 600 ppi;
  • possibility of managing all the standard formats (TIFF and derivatives).


The service guarantees a basic training course to ensure: a proper configuration of the scanner according to the characteristics of the material to be worked; the correct digitization methods; the saving and storage process for the produced files.

In the event that these digitizations will be used to increase DIGITAL LIBRARY PAVIA, a specific training session on how to upload (and activate the service) of the digitized objects and their related metadata will follow.

You can send an email to paviadigitallibrary@unipv.it to get some information and to:

  • Book the laboratory for already started or in progress activities, specifying the days and the time slot of your interest. You will receive our booking confirmation.
  • Propose new digitization projects, accompanying your request with a short explanation of your needs and organizational methods. You will be contacted for the necessary further details.

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