The Pavia Union Catalogue is an online catalogue containing the library holding of more than 130 Libraries located in Pavia and its province: University Libraries, Public Libraries, School Libraries and Religious Libraries.

It contains the descriptions of more than 1,500,000 documents such as books, journals, videos, audio registrations, printed music, cartographic material, theses, e-documents, CD, DVD and VHS and is linked to Fluxus, the online borrowing system.

You can access our catalogue in two different ways: the traditional one and a more friendly 2.0 version, which contains some new features.


go to OpenWeb go to EasyWebFive (EW5)
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OpenWeb is a 2.0 catalogue that connects users to the web and to social networks, offering them new and useful features. Key concepts are:


  • users can choose between a Google-like string search or a more structured search using fields, such as author, title, year of publication, etc.
  • users can use filters, allowing them to refine a search and to easily access what one is searching for, especially when many results are listed.
  • search results are accompanied by icons that clearly identify different material types and are enriched by cover images, abstracts, trailers, when available on the web.

connections to web 2.0 and to social networks:

     Search results:

  • can be integrated with external links (Google books, Wikipedia, World Cat)
  • can be shared on Twitter and Facebook.

user participation:

  • every user has a reserved area available with a virtual shelf for saving searches, adding material, voting on best books and requesting documents on loan

Each Library has a webpage with general information and a virtual area where new acquisitions and reading suggestions are shown.
A search can also be performed in other catalogues.

EW5 is the traditional catalogue. Searches can be performed in the collective catalogue by field, lists and key word, or by choosing a single OPAC Library.
The search by field allows you to combine several parameters in order to perform more structured searches.
Keyword search is performed by using specific operators listed in the page

Related Borrowing service

The borrowing service allows you to request or reserve material directly from the catalogue. This service is available to users who have been assigned login credentials.
Click on the button ‘Find it in” and you will be redirected to OpenWeb. Once you have logged in, you will be able to proceed with your request.



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