The new Library of Humanistic Studies, born from the merging of the Boezio Library and the Petrarca Library, was inaugurated in Palazzo San Tommaso on October 26, 2018.
This project was strongly desired by the University to enhance services to the users.
The library is organized with innovative criteria, both from a librarianship and a technological point of view.
Large parts of its collections are collocated on open-shelves.
The detached sections of Art and Philosophy-Psychology remain active.
The services are also enhanced thanks to an important supply of specialized digital resources, instruments which are now indispensable for the purposes of study and research
Piazza del Lino, 2 – 27100 Pavia
mail: infolibrary_petrarca@unipv.it
Palazzo San Tommaso:
Piazza del Lino, 1 – 27100 Pavia
Opening times:
Monday through Thursday 8.30 – 17:00;
Friday 8.30 – 12:30.
Extended Times: (only return and self-loan services)
Monday through Thursday 17:00 – 22:00;
Friday 12:30 – 22:00.
Sezione di Filosofia e Psicologia:
Piazza Botta, 6 – 27100 Pavia
Opening times:
Monday through Thursday 8.30 – 17:00;
Friday 8.30 – 12:30.
Extended Times: (only return service)
Monday through Thursday 17:00 – 19:00;
Friday 12:30 – 19:00.
Sezione di Arte:
Strada Nuova, 65 – 27100 Pavia
Opening times:
Monday through Thursday 8.30 – 16:30;
Friday 8.30 – 12:30.