LOOK UP is the new discovery tool, the tool for integrated research of the bibliographic resources of the University of Pavia, reserved for UniPV users or freely accessible online. This service allows access to electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, magazine articles, databases, images, multimedia resources). For electronic resources, the search allows you to explore down to the index, online article and e-book chapter level (if provided by the supplier). LʘʘK UP will be integrated with the printed documents’ data from the Pavia Union Catalogue, which collects the holdings of the libraries of the University of Pavia, as well as the structures present in the Pavia area which have joined the catalogue. Gradually, the contents of the Pavia Digital Library will also be integrated and made available in LʘʘK UP, which will become the single starting point for accessing the resources acquired by SiBA, as well as those produced by the University. Here you can find a short tutorial. WHO IS THE SERVICE ADDRESSED TOIn LʘʘK UP, everyone can search and consult the full text of freely accessible documents. UNIPV USERS:
For assistance or information you can use the service Ask-us For requests or reports you can write to lookup-group@unipv.it
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